Peppol BIS ISO6523 Codes

ISO6523 codes used in Peppol BIS

Peppol receivers (a.k.a ‘participants’) and senders are identified using a combination of an ISO6523 identifier and the corresponding identifier value. The syntax of a SenderId and ReceiverId look like this for a Swedish organization number 0007:5567212047. The corresponding GLN number for that organization number is 0088:7365567212048.

Please visit Peppol Policy for use of Identifiers for the the most recent version of the document that sets the rules for how to use identifiers in Peppol.

Peppol BIS 3

The list below only applies to Peppol BIS v.2. If you are looking for codes for BIS v.3, please visit


2020-08-19: Added identifier for Belgian company code (0208)

2019-12-05: Added the following identifiers:

following identifiers:

  • Directorates of the European Commission (0130)
  • Swiss Unique Business Identification Number (0183)
  • The Danish Business Authority (0198)
  • Legal Entity Identifier (0199)
  • State Enterprise Centre of Registers (0200)
  • Codice Univoco Unità Organizzativa iPA (0201)
  • Koordinierungsstelle für IT-Standards (KoSIT) (0204)

2019-11-05: Added identifier for Australian Business Number (ABN) Scheme (0151)

2019-01-14: Added identifier for Dutch Organisatie Indentificatie Nummer (0190)

2018-11-06: Added the following identifiers:

Added the following identifiers:

  • Danish DIGSTORG (0184)
  • Norwegian organization number (0192)
  • Singapore Nationwide eInvoicing Framework (0195)
  • German Leitweg ID (9958)

2018-08-17: Added identifier for Estonian company code (0191)

2018-03-13: Added identifier for France VAT number (9957)

2018-02-13: Added identifier for Liechtenstein VAT number (9936)

2017-04-25: Added identifier for Swedish VAT number (9955)

2017-01-20: Added identifier for Belgian Crossroad Bank of Enterprises (9956)

2013-11-27: Corrected the identifier NL:OIN since it was incorrect in the specification.

The table below is sorted ascending on the column ‘schemeID’.

Code Scheme ID Scheme Agency Name
9922 AD:VAT Andorra VAT number
9923 AL:VAT Albania VAT number
9915 AT:GOV Österreichisches Verwaltungs bzw. Organisationskennzeichen
9919 AT:KUR Kennziffer des Unternehmensregisters
9914 AT:VAT Österreichische Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer
0151 AU:ABN Australian Business Number (ABN) Scheme
9924 BA:VAT Bosnia and Herzegovina VAT number
9956 BE:CBE Belgian Crossroad Bank of Enterprises
0208 BE:EN Numero entreprise / ondernemingsnummer / Unternehmensnummer
9925 BE:VAT Belgium VAT number
9926 BG:VAT Bulgaria VAT number
0183 CH:UIDB Swiss Unique Business Identification Number
9927 CH:VAT Switzerland VAT number
9928 CY:VAT Cyprus VAT number
9929 CZ:VAT Czech Republic VAT number
9958 DE:LID German Leitweg ID
0204 DE:LWID Koordinierungsstelle für IT-Standards (KoSIT)
9930 DE:VAT Germany VAT number
9901 DK:CPR Danish Ministry of the Interior and Health
9902 DK:CVR The Danish Commerce and Companies Agency
0198 DK:ERST The Danish Business Authority
0096 DK:P The Danish Commerce and Companies Agency
9904 DK:SE Danish Ministry of Taxation, Central Customs and Tax Administration
9905 DK:VANS Danish VANS providers
0060 DUNS Dun and Bradstreet Ltd
0191 EE:CC Estonia company code
9931 EE:VAT Estonia VAT number
9920 ES:VAT Agencia Española de Administración Tributaria
0130 EU:NAL Directorates of the European Commission
9913 EU:REID Business Registers Network
9912 EU:VAT National ministries of Economy
0037 FI:OVT Finnish tax board
0002 FR:SIRENE INSEE: National Institute for statistics and Economic studies
9957 FR:VAT France VAT number
9932 GB:VAT United Kingdom VAT number
0088 GLN GS1
9933 GR:VAT Greece VAT number
9934 HR:VAT Croatia VAT number
9910 HU:VAT Hungarian Tax Board
9918 IBAN S.W.I.F.T. Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications s.c.
9935 IE:VAT Ireland VAT number
9917 IS:KT Icelandic National Registry
9917 IS:KT Icelandic National Registry
0196 IS:KTNR Icelandic National Registry
9907 IT:CF TAX Authority
0201 IT:CUUO Codice Univoco Unità Organizzativa iPA
0097 IT:FTI Ediforum Italia
9921 IT:IPA Indice delle Pubbliche Amministrazioni
0142 IT:SECETI Servizi Centralizzati SECETI
0135 IT:SIA Società Interbancaria per l Automazione
9906 IT:VAT Ufficio responsabile gestione partite IVA
0199 LEI Legal Entity Identifier
9936 LI:VAT Liechtenstein VAT number
0200 LT:LEC State Enterprise Centre of Registers
9937 LT:VAT Lithuania VAT number
9938 LU:VAT Luxemburg VAT number
9939 LV:VAT Latvia VAT number
9940 MC:VAT Monaco VAT number
9941 ME:VAT Montenegro VAT number
9942 MK:VAT Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of VAT number
9943 MT:VAT Malta VAT number
0106 NL:KVK Vereniging van Kamers van Koophandel en Fabrieken in Nederland
9954 NL:OIN Dutch OverheidsIdentificatieNummer
9954 NL:OIN Dutch Originator's Identification Number
0190 NL:OINO Organisatie Indentificatie Nummer
9944 NL:VAT Netherlands VAT number
0192 NO:ORG The Brønnøysund Register Centre
9908 NO:ORGNR Enhetsregisteret ved Brønnøysundregistrene
9909 NO:VAT Enhetsregisteret ved Brønnøysundregistrene
9945 PL:VAT Poland VAT number
9946 PT:VAT Portugal VAT number
9947 RO:VAT Romania VAT number
9948 RS:VAT Serbia VAT number
0007 SE:ORGNR The Swedish National Tax Board
9955 SE:VAT Swedish VAT number
0195 SG:UEN Singapore Nationwide elnvoice Framework
9949 SI:VAT Slovenia VAT number
9950 SK:VAT Slovakia VAT number
9951 SM:VAT San Marino VAT number
9952 TR:VAT Turkey VAT number
9953 VA:VAT Holy See (Vatican City State) VAT number

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