SMP API v.2 Error Codes

SMP API v.2 Error codes explained

The error codes described below assume that you are using the SMP Manager API v.2.

Error typeError codeDescription
Validation errorsGGW-300The value MUST have content empty or null sequence is not allowed.
Requested ContentType was not available or could not be determined.
GGW-302The specified media type is not supported.
GGW-303The specified encoding is not supported.
GGW-304The supplied payload could not be interpreted as valid XML according to the XSD.
GGW-305There were no ParticipantIdentifiers found to process.
GGW-306The schema identifier used is not known.
GGW-307Found a duplicated value of a ParticipantIdentifier only the first occurrence will be processed.
GGW-308A participant identifier value must consist of 4 numerals followed by a comma and an alphanumeric sequence.
GGW-309The used participant type identifier is not supported.
GGW-310The participant identifier you are trying to modify already belongs to another organization.
GGW-311No participant identifier value available.
GGW-312A fully qualified participant identifier value must be specified e.g. iso6523-actorid-upis::0007:5567212047.
GGW-313The participant identifier is not known.
GGW-314There were no Endpoints found to process.
GGW-315The endpoint id must be a positive integer.
GGW-316An unsupported transport profile was used.
GGW-317A valid URL must be given for endpoint address.
GGW-318The MinimumAuthenticationLevel must be a positive integer.
GGW-319ServiceActivationDate must occur before ServiceExpirationDate.
GGW-320Certificates must be provided in PEM format.
GGW-321Service description must be specified.
GGW-322Technical contact url must be specified.
GGW-323Technical information url must be specified.
GGW-324No endpoint id available.
GGW-325The submitted JSON content seems to be not well-formed.
GGW-326Date must be well-formed according to ISO 8601.
GGW-327The endpoint id is not known.
GGW-328No metadata profiles were found.
The metadata profile id is not known.
GGW-330A required field was not available.
The provided participant does already exist.
GGW-332The provided participant does not exist.
The participant couldn’t be activated in the SML since it has already been activated by someone else.
Authorization errorsGGW-401Request for specified resource was denied.
GGW-424The participant is in an illegal state.
Communication errorsGGW-350There seems to have been a problem when trying to obtain the data stream.
GGW-351Failed to download contents from SML.
GGW-352Failed to parse downloaded SML data into object representation.
GGW-361Failed to activate participant in the SML.
GGW-362Failed to inactivate participant in the SML
GGW-363The submitted content seems to be not well-formed.
Internal server errorsGGW-901
There seems to have been a problem when storing data to database this error most likely needs manual attention from Tickstar
GGW-902Failed to delete an Endpoint record.
GGW-903Failed to find location of SML management WS.
GGW-904Failed to communicate with SML management service.
GGW-905There seems to have been unexpected behaviour with the database access this error most likely needs manual attention from Tickstar
GGW-906Failed to load system certificate.
GGW-907Failed to init authentication for SML management.
GGW-908The SML management operation could not be completed.
GGW-999This error indicates that we were not able to understand or amend what went wrong.
Please contact with a copy of this message.

Below are the error codes currently in use. The table suggests what action(s) you should take to resolve a specific issue.

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